Happy New Year everyone!
2012 was a very fulfilling year for ladyironchef. We launched our new design (thanks to the folks from Prodd), we introduced new sections on Food, Travel, Shopping and Lifestyle, we saw budding writers through their contributions of guests posts – just to name a few. And all these wouldn’t have been possible without your continual support. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for being part of ladyironchef’s journey in 2012 – each and every one of you. With the new year, we strive to work even harder to share all the awesomeness in life with you.
This year, ladyironchef adapts a thematic approach in delivering features on a monthly basis. They serve as better guides and references, and brings the best of promotions and highlights to you. January has been pretty happening for us, and we have been going around sampling Chinese New Year (CNY) menus from various invitations. We may have reluctantly bade farewell to turkeys and log cakes, but we can always anticipate Lo Hei. In this month, we will be talking about CNY exclusives and specials from all over Singapore. Do look out for these special posts, and get excited about family dinners and massive feasting! You know that diets can wait till festive seasons are over, right?
Here’s to eating more good food in 2013!
Once again, thank you for your support. Join us in our journey – on instagram, twitter and facebook – as we stuff ourselves silly everyday.