Travelling is the only thing you buy that makes you richer.
I have always advocated seeing the world because there are no nother ways to educate and better yourself than to get out of your comfort zone and be awed by the vast horizons and boundless skies of the world.
In 2012, I vowed to visit a city once a month, I accomplished it, and was beyond pleased with myself. 2013 has kick-started well with a few trips by far, and a few more planned for the next quarter. In the month of April, we celebrate travelling, because we all deserve to learn.
Expect articles on travelling on a budget, where to stay, packing tips, places to eat and postcards from the cities worth visiting. I am a voyager, and I will always want to be one. You can, too. Here’s to leading a fulfilling life and seeing the world to enrich ourselves.
Have a happy April!