There are lots of interesting things about coffee that I want to share with you, so I worked with the good people from Infographic.SG - a data visualisation and infographic design agency by Edge Media – to come up with this visually appealing infographics to highlight some of the fun facts about coffee.
It is a really long infographics, so click more to read the rest.
If your brand/company would like to create infographics for a campaign, I highly recommend Infographic.SG. You can reach them at [email protected]
It would have been nice to indicate the type of coffee which is used in most Kopitiam in Singapore. Considering that the local law says it must be 50% coffee and the rest fillers? Just a thought
I was a big fan of your blog in the past. In fact, it was your site that made me interested in following food blogs. However, recently, the appeal of your posts have faded despite the diversification of the type of posts.
Just some food for thought.