Beringer Wines – Share The Flavours That Inspire You & Win A Trip For 2 To Napa Valley



Have you ever dreamt of visiting Napa Valley and the endless vineyards that stretch out into the horizon? Or experiencing how wine is transformed from a grape into the palatable bottle? Exciting news! Beringer wine is looking for someone to enjoy an all-expense paid trip for 2 to visit their vineyard in Napa Valley, California!

  • Take a picture of the flavours that inspire you with a glass of wine.
  • Upload your picture on Instagram (don’t forget to make your profile public).
  • Include the hashtags #BetterBeckons #BeringerSG in your caption to complete your submission.

The most creative image that shows why certain flavours fill you with optimism will win the trip for two to Napa Valley. The contest ends on 31 January 2017, and every week from now until the end of January, there will be other prizes to be won too! You can learn more about the contest at

Wine and cheese

Wine inspires us in so many ways. Wine is more than just a beverage. Beyond that sophistication is layers of inspiration and realisation; wine is not only a good pairing for food but a “tool” to help us discover many other perspectives in life.

Beringer Wine


Back in 1876, brothers Jacob and Frederick Beringer established Beringer Vineyards with a dream of making wines that would rival the finest wines from Europe.

But their journey wasn’t a smooth one. It was just a plot of bare land that they had, but a dream so big that it would conquer them all.

The brothers were firm on the decision of making good wines and they believed they could; they were optimistic as much as they believed in themselves.

That was a spirit worth applauding, and today, Beringer Wines is California’s longest continually operating winery and one of Napa’s finest producers.

Beringer White Wine


Just like life, we always believe in a better tomorrow, and everything we do is to progress. We seek inspiration continually; we hold on to optimism and faith.

It is like a glass of wine; it takes time and a lot of effort to produce a solid bottle. It doesn’t come easy, but which good thing ever comes easy?

Despite Beringer Wines being one of the most appreciated wineries in the world today, the family is constantly challenging themselves to improve. It was optimism that led them to where they are today, but an even bigger passion to make the best wines even better.

White Wine

Beringer Wines is of premium quality, and every bottle boasts a very smooth texture that is so easy to drink, even for beginners. The wines are conveniently stocked in Cold Storage Singapore and can be ordered via numerous wine delivery websites as well.

Beringer Wine Singapore


This Christmas, we are stocking up on red and white wines for our house parties. We always look forward to spending time with our loved ones and all the incredible flavours that come to life this season. Christmas is such a magical season, and it is our favourite time of the year. It always inspires us—to love and to give.

Christmas parties mean lots of roasts, turkey and chestnut stuffing, Christmas puddings and log cakes. The yuletide flavours are wonderful, but they are not complete without a glass of beautiful wine. No party is complete without some fine wines.

Beringer Wine and Dessert


After the main courses of turkey and stuffing come dessert. And we are such lovers of desserts. Sweets are our Archille’s heel as much as it is our happy pill. Cakes, cookies, eclairs, loaves, puddings… these are what make us happy.

Because nobody said desserts cannot be paired with wine, we picked up the habit of sipping white wine with every bite into the chocolate cake.

Don’t forget to submit your entry for the Beringer Better Beckons contest and you could win a trip for 2 to Napa Valley, California to experience Beringer vineyards in person. Look forward to the New Year and all the great things that are ahead.

This post is brought to you by Beringer Wines.