8 Stunning Snowy Destinations In Asia To Experience Winter Wonderland


A trip to Europe for Christmas sounds wonderful for sure, but thinking about the expenses is enough for anyone to push the plan away. However, do you know that there are many Asian countries where you can experience snow in December?

Here are 8 stunning snowy destinations in Asia to experience winter wonderland.

Weather seasons are getting unpredictable these days so it is always best to check again that the place will be snowing before making plans.

Harbin Ice and Snow Festival

Photo Credit: The Golden Scope


Snow falls in Harbin in early December and it is a good time to check into a ski resort. Yabuli Ski Resort and Longzhu Erlongshan Ski Resort are one of the most popular skiing destinations in Harbin. Otherwise, try dog sledging or ice fishing—activities you will never be able to do in Singapore.

If you happen to stay on until January, you have to attend the International Ice and Snow Festival that has been ongoing for a whopping three decades! Visitors will enjoy a spectacular display of 1,500 enormous translucent ice structures that reflect colourful lights shined upon them at night.


Photo Credit: World Wide Tour


As a UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Site, Shirakawa-go is one of the most beautiful places on earth during winter.The village huts and thatched-roof farmhouses that are scattered around in a small valley turn on their lamps at night that showcases a picture perfect moment. Stay overnight in one of these huts for a Japanese countryside lifestyle experience!


Photo Credit: Koryo Group


Bring out your inner Kim Yuna as you put on your ice skating shoes and have a go at the outdoor ice rinks. The most visited ice skating rink is at central square Genghis Khan which opens in mid-December.

Those who prefer a trip out of the city can make reservations at ski resorts and have fun skiing, start a snowball fight and make snowmen!


Photo Credit: Bnb Hero Blog


The nearest ski resort to Seoul is Bearstown Ski Resort and it is where you get to ski, snowboard and sledge to your heart’s content. Apart from that, there are many ski resorts to choose from as Korea is a mountainous country.

If the frost bites get to you, soak yourself in a hot tub at a Jimjilbang, which is a Korean-style bathhouse. After a long day out in the cold, you will definitely appreciate a hot sauna to unwind your tired body. If you prefer a more natural setting, hot springs are abundant in Korea as well.

Kashmir India

Photo Credit: India Times


Sonamarg in Kashmir features frozen lakes, glaciers and layers of snow atop grass patches for you to sledge on. This place is said to offer the closest Himalayan views as compared to other destinations in India. One thing to do before you leave is to hike up the renowned Thajiwas Glacier, which is located 3km away from town.


Photo Credit: Lonely Planet


Trekkers visit Nepal during the last month of the year to climb up snow-capped mountains. Boasting eight of the ten tallest mountains in the world, there is really no place you should go mountaineering than Nepal.

Enjoy the snowy treks which look vastly different during spring and summer seasons. An advantage for trekking during the winter is good solitude time alone up on the mountains with fewer tourists.


Photo Credit: pcwallart


Starting from December all the way to early February, thousands of Tibetans from all over Tibet will start making their way to Lhasa for pilgrimage. You have to be in Tibet for one of its biggest celebration of the year.

Since it is not highly popular travel destination during winter, many hotels and travel agencies offer discount rates to travellers to boost tourism. This would mean saving quite some money for your next travels!


Photo Credit: geeglenews


Winter in Sapa starts from December to February but snowfalls are unpredictable. Over recent years, snow has been appearing in Sapa where the Fanxipan mountain stands. While it has been known to snow in Sapa, it is not guaranteed that this will be an annual occurrence. However, when it does, it is a delight for both locals and tourists!