Lana Cake Shop’s Legacy Will Live On With The Founder’s Son Taking Over

Lana Chocolate Cake

When the founder of Lana Cake Shop, Violet Kwan, announced back in 2016 that she was ready to call it quits, and was offering to handover her pride and joy (her shop) to potential buyers, many Singaporeans were called to attention. Many of whom had grown up eating her iconic Chocolate Fudge Cake, either for birthdays or just because.

In an interview with Straits Times, Mr Jason Kwan (the founder’s son) shared his decision to continue his mother’s legacy. Having left his previous job as a banker, he has been working on revitalising Lana Cake Shop over the past 18 months, breathing new life and improving it slowly from branding to work processes.

Of course, not forgetting perfecting his mother’s timeless Chocolate Fudge Cake recipe.