8 Health Benefits Of Apple Cider Vinegar – Why You Should Drink This “Miracle Liquid”

apple cider vinegar

Word has gotten around that Apple Cider Vinegar is a health elixir, boasting numerous health benefits as well as being incredibly affordable. But what exactly are these health benefits?

As foul as apple cider vinegar smells and tastes, we have here some health benefits that will make you consider having this “miracle liquid” a part of your health regime.


10 Heath Benefits Of Acai Berries That Will Make You Want Acai In Everything

Project Acai

In our quest for healthier eats, Acai bowls are a favourite go-to snack post-workouts and post-meals. Sure we all know that acai berries are the superfood of all time, but you can’t help but wonder just what is it that makes the acai berry so special. No need to be intimidated by this small fruit, here we list 10 health benefits of acai berries that will make you want acai in everything.

Just what are Acai berries? They’re a small tiny fruit resembling that of grapes, harvested from South America’s Acai Palm Trees. The taste of the berry can be described as an interesting blend of chocolate and blackberries—a little bit acidic, most parts refreshing and every part delicious.


7 Things You Should Never Do On An Empty Stomach

Breakfast In Bed

Many of us have a morning routine that we are used to doing on a daily basis. Need that cuppa to perk yourself up before heading out to work? How about dragging yourself to the gym before breakfast to get that workout done first thing in the morning?

If one of these scenarios sounds familiar to you, then it is time to break that habit. It is important to set aside time for breakfast to ensure that you have enough fuel to start your day right.

Here are 7 Things You Should Never Do On An Empty Stomach, because they may cause you discomfort and even health issues in the long run. READ ON

7 Reasons Why You Should Drink Milk Before You Sleep

The Nilk Factory Milk

Humans have been consuming milk for thousands of years and it has become a very important part of our diet. As compared to sugary and carbonated drinks, milk is loaded with calcium and minerals which are beneficial for our health.

We consume milk on a daily basis—from pairing it with cereals to adding it into our cake recipes. Even mum constantly reminds us to finish a glass of milk before bedtime when we were younger.

If you have always wondered about the health benefits of drinking milk at night, here are 7 Reasons Why You Should Drink Milk Before You Sleep. READ ON

10 Guilt-Free Supper Ideas That are Under 150 Calories

Juscool Apple Soda

Hunger pangs striking past midnight again? You are not alone. But instead of going straight for the comforting packet of instant noodles, why not opt for something healthier?

We all know that eating during unearthly hours is unhealthy, but there are a few low-calories snacks we could consume as alternatives to the sinfully processed fast food. They are also a lot more nutritious without compromising on the delicious factor.

From air-popped popcorn to strawberry-banana smoothie, here is our guide to 10 guilt-free supper ideas that are under 150 calories each. Now you know what to eat when you are unable to ignore that growling tummy.


Best Free Health and Fitness Apps

Best Fitness Apps

We’re in the century where almost everything can be done with your smartphone – so why not use it to keep in the pink of health? Let’s face it – we do need all the help we can get in that area.

I know there are millions of apps out there so I’ve helped you to cut through the fluff and pick out the best free health and fitness apps, for various categories. I’ve found them to be really helpful and I hope they’ll help you too. Plus, they’re free!