14 Supper Spots In Singapore With Islandwide Delivery For Late Night Cravings

Islandwide Supper Delivery Cover Photo

Photo Credit: www.facebook.com/chimichangasg/

It’s 10.30pm. You’re Zooming with friends or chilling on the couch with some Netflix on and then, you feel it. That dreaded late-night hunger. You’d usually just get some McDonald’s delivered in but now that that’s no longer an option, what do you do?

Not a problem. Thanks to the circuit breaker, an army of places have launched islandwide delivery in Singapore, some of which even last till the wee hours of the night.

We’ve rounded up 14 supper spots in Singapore that do islandwide delivery to satisfy your erratic hunger pangs during this circuit breaker! From frog porridge to Mexican mains, it’s absolute supper galore.


15 Muslim-Friendly Midnight Makan Menus To Grab Late Night Snacks From

Muslim Friendly Late Night Spots Banner

We’ve all been there. It’s late, the clock’s ticking, and no matter how hard you try, you just can’t sleep. Or maybe it’s another night of burning the midnight oil, latent stress of deadlines impeding your rest. Or perhaps you’re just a night owl, preferring to expand your energy when the moon is high in the sky. Whatever the reason, past a certain hour, after the remnants of your dinner has long evaporated, hunger pangs start once more, rendering ineffective whatever it is you’re trying to accomplish.

The next time this happens, instead of subsisting on yet another packet of chips, grab your keys and wallet, and head down to one of these Muslim-friendly late-night establishments. Better yet, call a few of your fellow insomniacs for a late-night food hunting session – after all, food always tastes better when enjoyed with others right?

Featuring everything from dim sum to full-fledged zi char restaurants – yes, there is more to Muslim-friendly late-night snacking in Singapore than your usual prata options – here is a list of 15 places that offer midnight makan menus suitable for our Muslim friends. Because when living in a food haven like Singapore, you should never have to go hungry regardless of the hour!


21 Supper Spots In Singapore So You’ll Never Go Hungry

SUpper COllage

Singapore’s nightlife means the partying and feasting doesn’t stop even after the sun goes down.

Partying is subjective; the old bones in us can’t do it every night. But who says we cannot eat supper every night? From Nasi Lemak to Frog Leg Porridge to Dim Sum, we will never run out of options (and reasons).

Supper Singapore

Here, we list 21 of our favourite supper spots in Singapore. Do share your favourites with us too!


12 Highly Raved Supper Spots In The East Of Singapore For The Night Owls

Supper Spots In The East

While the idea of supper is frowned upon by the fitness community, especially those of you who are now embarking on your “new year, new me” journey, it’s unfortunately, something that’s inescapable, no matter how disciplined you try to be.

When you’re forced to stay up late either for work, or what not, late-night hunger pangs will strike inevitably, and that’s where we come in. Supper is a quintessential part of our diets (we’re not sorry) and as such, it’s our moral duty to always know where to go whenever we feel hungry at night.

The Eastern part of Singapore bustles with several late-night eateries, some well-known and some not so much. Whatever the case, you’re in luck because here, we have sussed 12 of the most highly raved night-time supper spots in the East.

Red Holic – Tteokbokki & Giant Mandu Korean Eatery By Super Star K

Red Holic Collage

Red Holic is where lovers of Korean food can settle in for some of the tastiest tteokbokki around. Helmed by the same folks behind Super Star K, this cosy joint boasts a myriad of home-style Korean stews, dumplings and other tasty delights that go well with beer or soju.

Red Holic specialises in comforting Korean food in the likes of classic tteokbokki, ramyeon and Korean street snacks. While their menu is pretty selective, this Korean eatery does make for a nice pit stop for a quick snack on the go or for your friends and yourself to retire to over drinks after a hard day’s work.


17 Must-Visit Eateries, Hawker Stalls & Cafes In Serangoon Gardens

Serangoon Gardens

As one of the oldest neighbourhoods in Singapore, Serangoon Gardens is a private residential area brimming with all sorts of F&B establishments—ranging from hawker centres to hipster cafes and fine restaurants.

Ask any local about the must-tries in Serangoon Gardens and no doubt many will point you to Chomp Chomp Food Centre. However, those who residinnd the area would know that there is more to the dining scene at Serangoon Gardens than just that.

Here are our top picks of hawker stalls, cafes, bars and eateries you have to visit at Serangoon Gardens. READ ON

12 Places In Singapore To Curb Your Late-Night Mookata Cravings

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Over the years, mookata is an increasingly popular dining concept and we are seeing a rise in mookata restaurants and eateries on our little island.

As sinful as mookata is, there is just something inviting about gathering around the table with friends and family to feast on grilled meat and slurp down rich, tasty broth.

Craving for mookata but have no clue where to start? Here are 12 Places In Singapore To Curb Late-night Mookata Cravings. It is time to put those diet plans on hold for now.


12 Indian Joints In Little India To Refuel After Your Mustafa Shopping Spree

Indian Food Joints Near Mustafa Cover

Any Singaporean who has not visited Mustafa—a glorious 24-hour megamall in Little India— is certainly losing out big time. With six different entrances, it takes a certain level of skill to navigate the madness within.

After a whole day of shopping at Mustafa Centre, head over to one of the many excellent Indian F&B joints around the area to fill your tummy up with rich Indian curry, crispy prata and hearty murtabak.

If you have no idea which Indian joint to pick, refer to our list of 12 Superb Indian Joints In Little India To Refuel After Your Mustafa Shopping Spree.

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