Ganso Zushi – This Kaitenzushi In Tokyo Offers Fresh Sushi At Affordable Prices

Ganso Zushi Meguro

There is a common misconception that Tokyo is a pricey destination to visit, what with souvenir shops by the dozens, and tasty food choices no matter where you turn. But saying that Tokyo is expensive need not necessarily be true.

We believe that you can always choose whether or not your trip to the land of sushi, ramen and all things kawaii is going to be painful to the wallet or not. Tokyo has many affordable yet impressive dining options within the city.

Ganso Zushi—a Kaitenzushi chain in Tokyo—is one such place. It is not a name as frequently mentioned when people talk about dining in Tokyo, but it is definitely one which serves fresh sushi at incredibly affordable prices.


7 Food Places In Shinjuku (Tokyo) That Open Till Late

Shinjuku at night

Tokyo generally experiences early sunsets all year round. During the summer, daylight lasts until about 7pm in the evening. But during the colder months such as November and December, the country will already be blanketed in darkness once it hits 4pm. This definitely makes the days in Tokyo much shorter, especially when shops would close earlier too.

Step out of your hotel at 8pm, and you will probably have a hard time finding restaurants or stores that are still open. Shinjuku, however, never sleeps.

If you are one for a good late-night drink or if you just need a late night snack, here are 7 Food Places in Shinjuku (Tokyo) that open till late.