20 Best Airbnb in Taipei Under S$101 Per Night

Taipei Airbnb

Why settle for overpriced and overly crammed hotel rooms when visiting Taipei? Airbnb offers you not just significantly cheaper accommodation and but also the rare opportunity of experiencing what it feels like to live like a local Taiwanese.

We have shortlisted 20 Best Airbnb in Taipei Under S$101 Per Night that will be suitable for your next vacation. A localised experience in a beautiful home at affordable prices? We are in.


Top 10 Things We Like About Airbnb


What do you think of when you travel? Whether air tickets are within your budget, or if taxis are exorbitant to hire? What about accommodation? What are your thoughts when it comes to your bed (and breakfast)?

There is no lack of properties to put up at wherever you travel to, because tourism has evolved and the world is definitely chalking up on the supply to meet the demands. And if you ask us, accommodation attributes largely to your overall experience – whatever kind of holiday you take.

While we love our huge beds and fluffy sheets of commercialised hotels, we enjoy blending in to local cultures and truly experience living like a local. Which is why we have been such believers of Airbnb. In our recent trip to Italy, all our accommodations were booked via Airbnb and we could not be more pleased with the experience.

Venice apartment

For the uninitiated, Airbnb www.airbnb.com.sg is a booking website that offers accommodations all over the world and they are uniquely localized – think staying in a local’s summer house, with the entire apartment to yourself. You have the whole master bedroom to yourself, you can watch TV in the living room, you can cook breakfast, you can do your laundry…

Today, we share with you 10 reasons why we love Airbnb so much, and as we wrote this post, we were already counting down to our next Airbnb experience!