11 Restaurants in Singapore For Valentines Day That Won’t Hurt Your Wallet (Much)

Romantic Restaurants Collage

Valentine’s Day can be an incredibly expensive affair. While it is commonly known to be a romantic event for lovers to express their undying love to one another, many people also think of it as a money sucking holiday where people go broke because they feel the need to splurge on their partners in fear of looking like an utter scrooge.

If you’re feeling a tad bit broke this month and you’re still reeling from the damage done to your wallet during Christmas, fret not as we have come up with 11 affordable places for a romantic dinner that won’t make you look like a cheapskate.


Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas for Men

Gift Ideas for Men

My friends always ask me for suggestions of gift ideas for their boyfriends. Since Valentine’s Day is just next week, I thought it would be fun to share some ideas on presents to get for guys.

Contrary to popular belief, getting presents for men is not that difficult; you just need to know what his hobbies are. Guys love gadgets, or at least, most guys do. Just go along that line and you’ll be fine. If not, you can always bring him to go shopping for a wardrobe overhaul. (Just make sure you promise not to walk into the female section.)

Here’s a list of Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas for Men.