8 Activities That You Can Now Do In Phase 2 While Practising Social Distancing


Singapore is finally in Phase 2, and this means that we are given a little more freedom to go out and about. While the pandemic situation across the globe doesn’t seem to be getting better anytime soon, Phase 2 in Singapore is definitely a step closer towards normalcy.

If you’ve been indoors for too long and are stumped on what you can or cannot do in Phase 2 in Singapore, here are 8 activities that we are allowed to partake in. Do remember to practise safe distancing and good hygiene habits while you have fun with your loved ones; we don’t want to find ourselves back in another Circuit Breaker.


8 Events & Activities in Singapore You Can Attend Online Including Shilin Night Market & Pink Dot


Covid-19 has ruined pretty much all of our plans for 2020 as well as affected our daily lives for the worse. From cancelled overseas trips to plenty of restrictions, the pandemic has been a wet blanket and the worst way to start another decade.

However, it hasn’t completely put a permanent halt on some of the activities that we have been looking forward to. A number of events in Singapore that were scheduled to happen across 2020 have bounced back innovatively with online versions of what they had originally prepared. While it definitely won’t feel the same as physically being there, for now, it’s better than nothing.

From the National Day Parade 2020 to Shilin-inspired Night Market, here are 8 events and activities in Singapore that you can enjoy from the comfort of your home while you #stayhome and #staysafe.


Haw Par Villa – Not Just A Scary Theme Park, But An Escape Into Chinese Mythology

Haw Par Villa Signage

Did you know that Haw Par Villa’s name derives from the Burmese-Chinese Aw brothers’ personal names?

Boon Haw means “gentle tiger”, while Boon Par means “gentle leopard”. The Aw brothers were behind the renowned household brand Tiger Balm, and Boon Haw had created Haw Par Villa as a gift to Boon Par in 1937.

Haw Par Villa Confucius

Haw Par Villa holds a piece of Singapore’s treasured past with a thousand statues and dioramas telling the tales of Chinese folklore, mythology, legends and history. It is hard to imagine that the theme park was a major local attraction during its peak in the 1970s and 1980s; particularly when Jewel Changi Airport just opened earlier this year.

Both of the attractions were created to draw in the masses. However, the stark contrast in the values of the different generations between the traditional cultural heritage site and Singapore’s latest dazzling crown jewel could not be more obvious. 


18 One-Of-A-Kind Museums In Singapore For The Cultured And Art Buffs To Experience

Museums in Singapore Collage

Our little island is full of wonder, with a vibrant culture and heritage that stretches beyond just five decades of independence. There is so much to learn about our history and our forefathers in order to fully understand and grasp just how much we’ve developed and grown.

Why not skip the shopping mall and pick any place from this list to check out this weekend? Absorb as many interesting facts as you can to share and impress your friends and loved ones later.

These local museums and galleries welcome everyone from all walks of life, and you may just learn something new about your own heritage that might surprise you!


A Guide to Island-Hopping in Singapore – St John Island, Lazarus Island and Kusu Island

cover photo island hopping

To the world and most Singaporeans, our Little Red Dot is known for her lush greenery and clean streets, bustling Orchard Road and ever-vibrant nightlife and skylines. However, many don’t realize once you look past the touristy spots, there’s so much more to Singapore than meets the eye.

If you have a penchant for exploring new ground and want to get away from the skyscrapers just for a day, here’s our guide to island hopping in Singapore!

No plans for this weekend? Check out St John Island, Lazarus Island and Kusu island — it’s the perfect getaway from the hustle of city life.


11 Kids-Friendly Hotels In Singapore That Your Kids Will Have Lots Of Fun At

Kids-Friendly Hotels In Singapore

Travelling with children has its fair share of rewards—fun, bonding and exposure. But let’s be real, young children can sometimes be a handful. They are fickle beings that lack the physical capacity of us adults and more often than not, have the tendency to throw tantrums when they’re tired or disinterested.

With the holidays or long weekend fast approaching, you might be thinking of taking your family somewhere special—preferably to a place filled with fun activities for kids. Well, if you want to do away with the hassle of planning but still fancy a cheeky holiday away from the confines of home, then perhaps a staycation should do the trick.

Forget the stresses of airports, immigration and all that jazz, here is our list of 11 kids-friendly hotels in Singapore that your family (especially your kids) will love.

Top 54 Things To Do in Singapore – Be A Tourist In Your Own Country

cover singapore things to do

Singapore is beautiful. This Garden City has made a name for itself by being the best global commerce, financial and transportation hub in Asia, and prides itself in being a racially and religiously harmonious nation. Singapore is home to some of the best multi-cultural food in Asia, where you will be able to experience tastes, flavours and spices from all over the world.

This island nation also boasts beautifully greenery amidst city life, with some of the best activities, food and shopping there is. You can enjoy activities such as Universal Studios Singapore, Sentosa Beach, Singapore Zoo, River Safari, Night Safari and so much more. Singapore is also a good mix and old and new with preserved historical sites and modern towering skyscrapers—all on the same island.

If you are ever visiting Singapore, this list of 54 Things to Do in Singapore should be your checklist of activities and places to check out; if you are a Singaporean, be proud to call Singapore your Home.


Bollywood Veggies – A Hidden Sanctuary In Kranji With A Multisensory Farm Tour

Bollywood Veggies Poison Ivy

An oasis hidden away from the ever-buzzing activity of our little island nation, Bollywood Veggies is a lush and rustic getaway situated in the countryside of Kranji to allow visitors to appreciate the simple yet often overlooked pleasures in life.

Bollywood Veggies was started in 2000 by Ivy Singh and her husband, Lim Ho Seng. Named after Ivy’s half-Indian heritage, and inspired by the lively personality of Bollywood, the 10-acre wide farm boasts plenty of family-friendly activities to spend the day with the kids.


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